Tuesday, April 1, 1919:
Sent my trunk home via Am. Express costing me 104,50 francs, closed out my account with Morgan Harjes and beat it for St. Cloud.
At 1:30 we drove to Ferrières Base Camp--our last drive in our old Fords. 644, 649, 598 and we were on the road at the same time--a good race. We all pulled into Base Camp about the same time, left our cars and were given poor barracks.
Wednesday, April 2:
Busy, busy times! Reports are going in and everything is being checked up. Tomorrow we go into quarantine. Everything is being rushed and looks most encouraging toward an early getaway. The old Base Camp life over again--details, details, details--all absolutely ridiculous.
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Ferrières Quarantine Camp |
Thursday, April 3:
Got de-cootized today which was a big farce. It consisted of standing under lukewarm water for two minutes on a cold day in a cold bath house. Then in our underwear we ran a quarter of a mile to another building there to stand around shivering until our clothes were returned from a steaming machine. They were damp when we got them and I shivered for an hour before mine came at all. Then we moved into quarantine quarters and were not allowed out except, of course, for details. Men on detail could be sent anywhere.
Friday, April 4:
647 stood guard last night again. There are 11 sections here in quarantine and go to make up our contingent. There is much paper work to be done before we are ready to go. All accounts must be straightened up, service records checked up and transportation papers made out. Boddie, Soles, and the Lieutenant are very, very busy in the office. About eight Parc A boys are now in our section together with Sgt. Chalfont and Sgt. Sullivan bringing our enrollment up to 40. Astlett, Gaynor, McEnness, Putnam have left the section to be demobilized over here. Titchner has left for a permission in England to be sent home later as a casual.
Saturday, April 5:
The dope is that we leave tomorrow for St. Nazaire instead of Brest. We are being issued out complete traveling equipment today. I will tomorrow carry the first military pack of my life.
Sunday, April 6:
Orders countermanded! We leave tomorrow.
Monday, April 7:
Orders are again countermanded! We leave tomorrow!???x x x x x
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