Both very tired and not well. I’m weak and Jack has a touch of grippe.
After several weeks of convalescing in Paris, Grant got orders to return to his unit at the front. Along the way he ran into a couple of comrades from Norton-Harjes Section 61.
Saturday, October 5, 1918:
Saw Major Whitney and asked to be allowed to return to the section with Jack on Monday. He said if I would come over to his office and be examined tomorrow A.M. he would see about it. Hope he lets me go. Jack and I walked around town a bit until we met some friends of Jack’s (second lieuts. in aviation non-flying) and then went down to the Savoie and had one glorious feed costing us 26 francs a piece. Food has surely gone up in price. I had to go right home afterward as I’m not supposed to be out after 6 P.M.
Sunday, October 6:
Hotel Sylvia, 2003 |
Another grand dinner at our place -- chicken and ice cream. Saw Major Whitney and he said I could go tomorrow with Jack. Got all our papers fixed up and then went walking on the Bois de Boulogne. Met an American lady and her two daughters in the Bois who talked an arm off of each of us. She’s a minister’s wife and has spent many years in Paris. Afterward Jack and I dined at the American Bar and stayed at the Sylvia Hotel. About midnight who should walk in but Bill Sloan and Tish Libby. We talked until about 3 o’clock. Bill has been very sick, but feeling fine now. Tish has been having some thrilling experience with the French artillerie, but more enthusiastic than ever about his work.
Monday, October 7:
Bar-le-Duc, 2010 |
Jack and I left this A.M. for Bar-le-Duc at 8 o’clock. Got in a second class compartment by paying a supplement of 3 fr. 20 c. Both very tired and not well. I’m weak and Jack has a touch of grippe. Passed through Château-Thierry, which is certainly a ruined city. Reached Bar about 1 P.M. and ate at the hotel. Got some aspirin for Jack and we started walking the 3 miles to our auto park. Rode most of the way on a French camion. They could not tell us where our section was as the 82nd had just gone into action and we had moved again. Spent a cold, rainy, miserable night at the park with few blankets and poor mess.
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