Monday, October 29, 1917:
Reveille sounded this A.M. at 5:45 and we dressed in the dark and cold. Roll call at 6 and breakfast at 6:30. I was assigned to a fatigue with Woodell (Norton-Harjes Section 60) and Anderson (Am. Paris Service). Those of us from the Norton-Harjes and American Field Service who are unattached to any particular section are known as casuals. At 7 o’clock fatigue bugle sounded. Woodell, Anderson and I were given two cars (Fords) and told to go up to the Chateau and paint cars. I ran one of the Fords and managed to get the car up there without smashing it and us. I don’t like Fords and hope we won’t have to use them at the front.
Washed Fords in icy water all morning. In the P.M. we painted two Fords. They were in excellent condition before we spoiled them. They were all new and shiny and we covered them over with an olive green, heavy paint.
The evening was ours to do as we liked. We hovered around the stove trying to keep warm for awhile and then I went to bed.
Tuesday, October 30:
Painted Fords all day. We slopped four more into condition.
Sat around the fire again this evening, too cold to write or read, and drank “pinard” punch with the boys. Pinard punch is wine heated up with lemons. It’s pretty good for warming purposes.
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