Sunday, September 16, 1917:
The gang pulled out this A.M. for Sommedieue about 10:30. Three cars were left behind to carry office material. Jake, Fraze, Wag, Sparksie, and myself stayed behind. Things were very quiet after they left. The 42nd has gone leaving the town almost empty and then to have our gang pull out made the place feel like a cemetery. Got a call this A.M. to take a sick officer to Revigny[-sur-Ornain]. Jake came with me.
In Revigny we came onto 3 American engineers and talked with them a long time. One was from Montana, another from Iowa and the other from Chicago. They are from the 13th U.S. Engineers and are quartered just out of Revigny. Some of their men are already at Souilly making preparations for taking over the complete railway system from the coast to Verdun which undoubtedly means that the American Army will take over the Verdun sector for one. God bless them! I don’t believe there is a worse place on the entire front. We hear a great deal about the Somme and Aisne sectors and of the severe fighting in those districts, but I think the fact that the English are handling these sectors has a great deal to do with the publicity. There wasn’t a great deal said about the big French attack on Aug. 20th in American papers whereas it was one of the biggest attacks since the beginning of the war. The French don’t do a great deal of talking and the English are quite the opposite.
In Revigny we came onto 3 American engineers and talked with them a long time. One was from Montana, another from Iowa and the other from Chicago. They are from the 13th U.S. Engineers and are quartered just out of Revigny. Some of their men are already at Souilly making preparations for taking over the complete railway system from the coast to Verdun which undoubtedly means that the American Army will take over the Verdun sector for one. God bless them! I don’t believe there is a worse place on the entire front. We hear a great deal about the Somme and Aisne sectors and of the severe fighting in those districts, but I think the fact that the English are handling these sectors has a great deal to do with the publicity. There wasn’t a great deal said about the big French attack on Aug. 20th in American papers whereas it was one of the biggest attacks since the beginning of the war. The French don’t do a great deal of talking and the English are quite the opposite.
The boys told us of their ride over via England. Poor food, poor quarters, slow boat and bad treatment in general were the outstanding features of their recital. Since they have been in France they have had good food and good quarters, but very poor discipline. Their officers have very little control over them and the men show very poor spirit. They all wanted to quit. It’s too bad that things have to come this way for America, but, I guess, inevitable for a people who have lived so easily. It’s th

We also talked with an Englishman about 45 years old who is doing rear evacuation work from Revigny. We told him of Verdun and that we were replaced by the English section № I. His eyes opened and he said, “Were you up there?” Then he went on and told us that about half of Section I were there in Revigny in the hospital. Seven had been gassed, seven badly injured in a smash up on their way to relieve the gassed men and one had been seriously wounded in the back by éclat. Just think what we missed! It lowered this section in our estimation somewhat.
We also learned that Bévaux had been shelled by the Boche since we left and that the place almost demolished. I’m not surprised because the Boche have shelled practically every hospital in that district, but for some reason had left Bévaux untouched when it was the easiest to get. It’s a dastardly trick this shelling of hospitals when they had done so much for Boche wounded.

We took a swim in a near by ice cold stream this P.M. and ate supper at the Cafe down town. The young bar maid asked if any of us could play the piano. Jake is pretty good at it so we got in on a nice party. There were two very nice French girls present--pretty as pictures and apparently very nice girls. A nice girl in France is a rare article. The party broke up about 10 P.M. and we sent to bed.
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