Friday, June 1:
With so many fellows I know over here it makes it hard to realize that we are in a place 3000 miles from home and in a foreign country. My French hasn’t progressed very far, but I find I know enough to get around Paris although I shouldn’t care to order a meal and get out gracefully on my own French.
I can’t begin to register here all of my first impressions of this beautiful place. We are seeing many sights. One of the best methods of transportation are the cabs. One can ride for hours on 50 or 75¢ or 1 franc 50 or 60 centimes.
The evidences of war in Paris are few. The city itself is beautiful and well-kept with many cabs and taxis all manipulated by men. The metros are operated by men with women conductors. The street cars are quite unanimously run by women. The streets are crowded--mostly by uniformed men--some wounded and some on leave. The women are vile. A man is hardly safe on the streets of Paris unescorted at night. Tuesday and Wednesday are meatless days in which fish is eaten.
This afternoon six
of us were invited to a Mrs. Gibbs’ for tea. As we were being introduced around the circle I was introduced to a Miss Blaisdell which later proved to be the same who taught in Mankato Normal for 5 years and whom [Cousins] Carolyn & Alice told me to look up. The world seems pretty small on such occasions. I made an appointment with her for Monday P.M. at her home.

This is so coo, Pete! To quote Grant "the women are vile". I wonder in what sense? Attacking men at night? Haha. Loved him so much.